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Many Unimore initiatives are scheduled on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Unimore leverages all its skills to fight and prevent gender violence. Several initiatives are on schedule on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

The events will take place from 23 to 29 November, both in face-to-face and online mode.

Unimore continues its commitment to achieve equal opportunities and to fight and prevent gender violence, and through the CRID also joins the UN.I.RE (UNiversitą In Rete) network against gender violence (link https://unire.unimib.it/).


On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, several initiatives are taking place in which the University is also engaged in collaboration with local Associations and Bodies.

The University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, which for several years has undertaken a programme shared with other universities, joins the National Conference of Equality Bodies of Italian Universities, that brings together in a network the representatives of the university Committees that, with reference to the issues of Equal Opportunities, operate in the Rete Nazionale dei Comitati Unici di garanzia, that in 2020 signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Minister for Equal Opportunities and the Ministry of Public Administration to strengthen measures to fight violence, and finally through the direct involvement of the CRID, to the UN.I.RE Network - the online University against gender violence.

Unimore commitment also emerges in the Communication Guidelines of the University, in which a use of language that is always respectful of differences is highlighted, and in the institution of Degree Awards on "Equal opportunities, well-being at work and anti-discrimination" for the best Master’s degree theses on topics related to one or more of the CUG’s topics of interest, including combating and preventing gender-based violence.

Several research groups and centres devote particular attention to gender equality and to the issues of combating and preventing gender-based violence, including: CRID - Interdipartimental Research Centre on Discrimination and Vulnerability; Ger - Genders and Religions - Interdisciplinary and Interdipartimental Group; GLIC_D - Laboratory of Gender, Language and Communication_Digital; CAPP - Centre of analysis of public policies.

Research centres and researchers are active both in the study and monitoring activities and in the dissemination of the results of investigations carried out through seminars that often involve associations and bodies in the territories where the University is based.

The focus on inclusion and the fight against discrimination also characterises the work of the University in joining networks of local institutions and associations that, in addition to joining the Interinstitutional Table for the promotion of shared strategies aimed at preventing and combating the phenomenon of violence against women in the province of Modena coordinated by the Prefecture, see Unimore also join the Interinstitutional Table for the fight against homotransnegativity and for the inclusion of LGBTIQ+ people coordinated by the Municipality of Reggio Emilia.

In November 2020, Unimore participated in the Interinstitutional Table meeting, highlighting the research activities carried out with focus on the impact of the pandemic on gender-based violence and the counteracting strategies undertaken.

During 2021, the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia has made contacts with the Province and the Local Health Unit of Modena, to collect data to be processed in order to measure of the costs of gender violence and evaluate the SROI - Social Return On Investment of the actions implemented.

During the meeting of the Table for the prevention and fight against the phenomenon of violence against women, organised for Tuesday 23 November 2021, Unimore is willing to confirm its intention to continue to perform the functions envisaged with the accession to the Protocol in 2017, namely: to promote and disseminate within its body the culture of law enforcement and the prevention of violence against women; to coordinate the research activities carried out within the body on the topic and to contribute to the dissemination of the results; to collaborate with the other Subjects adhering to the Protocol in order to organise training and information sessions on the topic; to propose internships and degree/doctoral theses aimed at the study of the causes of violence, its measurement, costs and effects.

"What can stop the gender violence on which the news dramatically draw the attention with feminicides and that statistics reveal with sample surveys on the high percentage of women who suffer physical, psychological, or economic violence, and who during the pandemic have seen their situation significantly worsen?

At Unimore we try to answer these questions - says the Delegate for Equal Opportunities Unimore, Professor Tindara Addabbo - with research and awareness-raising activities, acting in network with associations and institutions in the area throughout the year.

On the occasion of 25 November 2021, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women established by the United Nations General Assembly, we will offer the opportunity to discuss these issues online or in face-to-face mode at various events."


On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 2021, Unimore organised the following events:


Tuesday 23 November, at 3.45 pm, "Nuove forme della violenza maschile contro le donne: profili sostanziali e ricadute processuali del revenge porn" (new forms of male violence against women: substantial profiles and processual implications) at the Law Department (Via San Geminiano, 3), in Modena.

During the meeting, the attention will be focused on law no. 69 of 2019 that introduced into the Italian legislation the crime of the so called "revenge porn", or public sharing of images or intimate videos via the Internet. Starting from the profiles of substantive and procedural criminal law, the Seminar, organised by the Laboratory on discrimination and vulnerability of the CRID - Centre for Interdipartmental Research on Discrimination and Vulnerability of Unimore, in collaboration with the Centro Documentazione Donna of Modena, aims to reflect on the first years of application of the rule and on the evolution of the phenomenon.

Tuesday 23 November, from 6 to 8pm, "Scegliere da che parte stare: la violenza maschile contro le donne” (choosing which side you are on: male violence against women”, an event organised by the Nondasola Association in collaboration with the Department of Science and Engineering Methods at Binario49 Caffč (Via Giuseppe Turri, 49) in Reggio Emilia

Thursday 25 November at 10am, “Insieme contro la violenza di genere” (together against gender violence): the online event promoted by the Surgical, Medical, Dentist Department of Unimore with the Local Health Unit and the Education Superintendency of Modena will involve not only high-school and Unimore students, but also the citizens as it will be broadcast live on social channels.

The aim of the initiative is primarily to make young people reflect on gender violence, showing direct testimonies of both victims and people with a violent past in rehabilitation.

The entire route in the city will also be shown for those who are victims of this type of violence. Musician Benjamin Mascolo will also participate in the meeting. http://www.ausl.mo.it/violenza-genere-2021


Monday 29 November 2021 at 10am, “Cristianesimo e violenza contro le donne” (Christianity and violence against women): the event is organised by the “Gender and Religions” Unimore Research Group and will be held at the Department of Linguistic and Cultural Studies (Largo Sant'Eufemia, 19) in Modena, or on Teams in remote mode of DSLC  https://teams.microsoft.com/dl/launcher/launcher.html

The event will address the following topics: “Christianity and violence against women. Writings, symbols, doctrines" by Elisabeth Green, theologian and minister of the Baptist Evangelical Christian Union of Italy; “Is there a male dominance"? by Paola Cavallari, Chairwoman of the Interreligious Observatory on violence against women. Link Teams

In addition, to confirm the active collaboration with associations and bodies existing in the area, on 6 December 2021, Unimore will participate in a videoconference event on "News on discrimination and violence against women: legal (family, work, immigration), psychological and socio-cultural, criminal, medical and legal, and economic aspects. How to prevent and protect " organised by the Equal Opportunities Commission of the Standing Unitary Committee of the Professional Orders and Colleges of the Province of Modena together with other entities and institutions of the territory.

Categorie: International - english

Articolo pubblicato da: Ufficio Stampa Unimore - ufficiostampa@unimore.it il 23/11/2021