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The European Model of Privacy and Data Protection in Employment

MARTA OTTO – Department of Labour Law, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Lodz.

IACOPO SENATORI – Fondazione Marco Biagi 


The very breadth of the concept of privacy along with its contemporary tendency to merge with the idea of greater transparency in public life present a real challenge when it comes to enclosing it within legal frames. This task seems to be particularly difficult in the employment context, where the Information Revolution by altering the nature of work, and as a consequence the character and reach of employer supervision, has considerably blurred the frontiers between employees' personal and professional lives. Thus far, in Europe those challenges have not been addressed in a distinct way, but rather through a unique pluralist architecture, build upon co-existing national, supranational and international norms of privacy protection. The seminar will be devoted to the, by necessity, cursory presentation of the conceptual as well as normative foundations of European model of protection of privacy rights (also from a comparative perspective) and analysis upon the need of its further particularisation with regard to employment context.

Data inizio evento: 22/01/2020 15:30

Luogo: Fondazione Marco Biagi, L.go Marco Biagi 10, Modena

Informazioni: Partecipazione gratuita, č richiesta l'iscrizione al link:https://www.fmb.unimore.it/eventi/the-european-model-of-privacy-and-data-protection-in-employment/ Per informazioni: fondazionemarcobiagi@unimore.it

Categorie: societą, eventi, Seminario

Pubblicato da: comunicazione@unimore.it